Thursday, June 19, 2008

Spay or Neuter??

I volunteer at our local shelter and I am amazed at the many animals that end up there. We have so many kittens that they are in danger of being put down, all because so many people don't spay their pets.

They want them to experience motherhood or whatever is their reason. Well, here is something to think about...

A lady who had 6 puppies that she was "giving away" in front of a local store. As she handed out each puppy thinking that these people are nice and kind giving these pups a home. Each one found a home within a few hours. This was on saturday.

By the next Monday, one puppy was already at the shelter, by Wednesday the second showed up. And within 6 months, 2 more will be there.

These animals deserve better. The shelter does what it has to do, and you as the pet owner are the ones that are responsible for the number of animals being put down.

I actually had a conversation with a lady at a store once. We started discussing animals and that I volunteered at the shelter.

She started telling me how much she hated the shelter and how horrible it was that they put down all those animals.

then she told me that her neighbor had a dog that got lose and ended up down there. The neighbor didn't want to be caught with the fine of having the animal run lose (around $40) so she asked this lady that I was talking with to go down and "adopt" the dog and give it back to her.

Well, she was uncomforatble with this as you must license your pet when you adopt and officially she would own the dog and it would really not be hers but go back to the orginal owner.

So the dog sat there....

And his time came up and was euthenized.

Who is to blame?

Not the shelter, the owners. Both of those ladies allowed the dog to die. They are responsible. They knew their dog was there and left him. I bet this lady now has a new dog, and the cycle will repeat itself yet again.

It is not the shelters fault, they have only so many spaces and every day people who dont want their pet anymore or just dont care - drop them off. Everytime a new pet comes in, someone must give up their space. There is no way all those unwanted animals can stay at the shelter. There simply is no room.

If you get a pet, spay or neuter it!! I dont care if you think you want to breed it, or the old wise tale of it being a better animal, or that you want your children to experience kittens. Go foster a cat from the shelter that is pregnant already.

The puppies and or kittens WILL end up at the shelter, or at least a portion of them. Yes, even AKA puppies end up there. We actually got a registed pom there, 5 months old with papers not long ago.

there are so many animals in the world today that the more that come the more that end up without homes and in the shelter.

spay and neuter PLEASE.

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